A SWOT Analysis is a technique used to look at different aspects of your business/product and understand how this affects it. The analysis is broken into 4 aspects: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Looking at these helps you understand what your business/product does well, needs to improve on and what strategy you need to tackle in the future to succeed. I conducted one on my addiction recovery app to help me get a clearer steer on it.

A typical SWOT analysis
App for addiction recovery analysis
- Existing products in the form of habit trackers, diet apps etc. to draw inspiration from
- An app with a good cause
- Plenty of research material regarding addiction and recovery
- This idea would allow me to add many different features. Things like social media, meditation, habit tracking etc.
- The app would rely on the user to work to its full potential
- The research phase will require a substancle amount of work
- Opportunities for primary research
- Opportunities for secondary research
- Other similar products already exist
- why would my product be chosen over other existing ones?